
IGEL Kiosk Mode Browser Settings

Published by Carl Behrent – 11 Feb 2019

I was asked recently about creating a locked down Kiosk Browser Session in the IGEL Operating System. Below is the standard configuration I’d do when creating such a Profile. I will continue to update this post with any new information that might be relevant.

Create a Kiosk Browser Session

  1. Create a new Profile, and give it a meaningful name.
  2. Navigate to: Sessions > Browser > Browser Sessions
  3. Select Add in the right hand window
  4. Give a Session Name

Browser Session Options

Set Browser Home Page

  1. Navigate to: Sessions > Browser > Browser Sessions > {Session Name} > Settings
  2. Change ‘When browser starts’ to ‘Show my home page’
  3. Enter ‘Home Page’ address for the browser to open with

Enable Browser Session AutoStart

Navigate to: Sessions > Browser > Browser Sessions > {Session Name}

To ensure the browser launches when the desktop has loaded you need to enable ‘AutoStart’. Along with this setting enable ‘Restart’, Restart means the browser will automatically relaunch if it is closed. Enabling ‘AutoStart Delay’ with a value (in seconds) is the time between the desktop loading and the browser automatically launching.

Set Browser to Full Screen

Navigate to: Sessions > Browser > Browser Sessions > {Session Name} > Window

To make the browser launch in full screen enable ‘Start in fullscreen mode’. While you here enable ‘Hide local filesystem’. Setting this will hide the local file system when you attempt to save files. ‘Hide configuration page of the browser’ will already be enabled.

Customizing the Menu & Toolbars

Navigate to: Sessions > Browser > Browser Sessions > {Session Name} > Menus & Toolbars

  • Enable ‘Hide App Menu/Menu Bar
    • This removes the App Menu to the right hand side of the browser

Enable ‘Hide Search input

  • This removes the search input from the browser

Enable ‘Hide URL Input

  • This removes the URL input from the browser

Enable ‘Hide Tabs Toolbar

  • This removes the tabs from the top of the browser and also the ability to launch new tabs

  • Disable Browser Context Menu

Navigate to: Sessions > Browser > Browser Sessions > {Session Name} > Context

  • Enable ‘Hide the browser’s context menu’
    • This completely removes the browser context menu (but not the Tab Context Menu) including:
      • Save Page As button
      • View Page Source / Info

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