This function gets device directories from the UMS.
At default you get an object containing all device directories. If you use the parameter Filter -children you get the direct children (endpoints, directories) as well.
For the following scenarios it is assumed you already created a WebSession and bound it to $WebSession.
The online documentation on this function can be found here.
The properties which are shown in the following scenarios can be read on here.
Scenarios – preparations
The examples in the scenarios to come require several parameters as Computername and WebSession to be provided for each
To prevent redundancy in providing those basic parameters $PSDefaultParameters are used:
$PSDefaultParameterValues = @{ '*-UMS:Computername' = 'igelrmserver' 'New-UMSAPICookie:Credential' = (Get-Credential) } $PSDefaultParameterValues += @{ '*-UMS:WebSession' = New-UMSAPICookie }
This code block at the beginning of a script sets Computername and WebSession for all functions to be used and is
implied to be used in the following scenarios.
Scenario 1 – show me all device directories
The output for one directory would be:
Id : 13357 Name : Room305 ParentId : 13091 MovedToBin : False ObjectType : tcdirectory
Scenario 2 – show me the device directory with the ID 198 and its children
Get-UMSDeviceDirectory -Id 198 -Filter children
The Filter Parameter children is used here and the output would be:
Id : 198 Name : Computers01 ParentId : 197 MovedToBin : False ObjectType : tcdirectory DirectoryChildren : {@{ObjectType=tcdirectory; Id=199}, @{ObjectType=tcdirectory; Id=200}, @{ObjectType=tcdirectory; Id=201}, @{ObjectType=tcdirectory; Id=202}...}
Scenario 3 – Show me only the direct children of the directory with the ID 198:
(Get-UMSDeviceDirectory -Id 198 -Filter children).DirectoryChildren
The output would be similar to this:
ObjectType Id ---------- -- tcdirectory 199 tcdirectory 200 tcdirectory 201 tcdirectory 202 tc 4213
Scenario 4 – Show me all endpoints in the device directories which names contain “Test”
If you need to know all endpoints in directories with a similar naming convention, this can be a solution:
(((Get-UMSDeviceDirectory).where{ $ -match "Test" } | Get-UMSDeviceDirectory -Filter children).DirectoryChildren).where{$_.ObjectType -eq 'tc'}
ObjectType Id ---------- -- tc 7167 tc 4320 tc 4310
If you need to get all directories and/or endpoints below a given device directory, than the next part of this series got you covered.
In the next part of the series we will take a look at the Get-UMSDirectoryRecursive function.
systems engineer, long time IGEL costumer, Powershell enthusiast, Leipzig/Germany
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